EP: 180 The Big Leap, Part 4 - Einstein Time

In this week’s episode, The Big Leap, Part 4 - Einstein Time, we are wrapping up our series on The Big Leap with part four called Living in Einstein time.
If you did not listen to episodes one, two and three around this, part one, two, and three, go back and listen.
0:56 Dealing with Time
We could go on and on with this book. There's so much good stuff in it, but I felt like this was one piece that was really important to pull out just because all of us are dealing with time in some way.
1:26 Bend Time
We talk a lot about the feeling of ‘not enoughness’ and the lack of energy, which can show up through money, it also shows up through time.
“I don't have enough time, I'm out of time”, even in my own head, that's what I'd be like, “how am I going to get this done? When am I going to do this?” And you got to take a breath and be like, wait, I'm going to bend time.
2:34 Relationship with Time
He highlights right out of the box, for your life to work harmoniously, you need to develop a harmonious relationship with time. Most people have a difficult time balancing all of their priorities. Balancing. That's such a common word and there is no greater priority than transforming your relationship with time. If you get a handle on how time actually operates, your work flows gracefully and at high performance. If you don't, it doesn't.
4:37 The Source of Time
He's talking about the relationship with time and then the time problem that we have to solve and the statement that he makes that we will come back to again and again, you are where time comes from.
I am where time comes from.
Yes, you are the source of time.
5:06 Creating Time
Therefore we can create as much time as we choose. This is a new belief system for I bet almost everybody listening.
8:58 With Einstein time
Einstein time gives you a way to expand the amount of time you have for creative expression and intimate connections. With Einstein time, you not only save time, but should learn how to become the source of time so that you can make as much of it as you want.
10:59 Is Time The Enemy?
We think of time as the master and us as its slave. Oh, how many times have we heard that? At the extreme, time becomes our persecutor and we think of ourselves as its victim. Since time feels like an ever present entity hovering in the background of our lives, we come to feel that we're victims of an entity that's always there all of the time. Such a view is dangerous to our health, disastrous for our business and ruinous to our relationships with family and friends. That's why I urge you to adopt Einstein time.
The other thing is we so often equate running out of time with death. It's like the ultimate, I'm going to be out of time. I'm going to be out of time. But it's like that whole thing. It does become the enemy.
17:00 Persona Related to Time
He brings in another element when he talks about personas and it's your persona related to time. So what is the persona that we adopt for time? There's people who are the time cops, so they're just, you know, have to always be on time. Very rigid about it.
And then there's time slackers. You know, not really honoring of others. And those two can really clash for different people. But that's important because it points your way towards your relationship with time.
And what's your identity, what's your story with time that you keep living that you might want to change?
31:25 This Freaky Thing that We Have Called Time
Time is something that even science, modern science can't fully explain, like what is this freaky thing that we have called time?
And how does it work in our world? You know, we kind of have our ideas about it, but there's definitely some things that are more to the story. So I say all of that, just to say it really is a personal kind of relationship and not with something outside but with a part of you on the inside, since you're the source of time.
I love this so much. Well the illuminated thought for this episode is definitely I am the source of time. Try that one on for size everyone. So this completes the series of The Big Leap.
I have just been introduced to your wealth how can I hear this is cast series and others? Many thanks, Katie Kaplan
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