EP: 181 - Real Men Know Healing

In this week’s episode, Real Men Know Healing, we have a special guest. Well sort of. We're bringing in the Mystic Next Door to discuss the topic of what healing really is.
1:46 K.N.O.W. Healing
This is something I know Nick, you've been working with men in your business as a healer coach and you know the topic is real men know healing, like K.N.O.W. They know healing. And this is an interesting topic so I want to start it because it's really me asking you questions to share with our listeners. What is healing really?
2:09 Real Men
Well before we address that, I want to talk about the real men part because it's sort of a play. I want everybody to know who's listening to this, I'm not the real man kinda guy. I'm just not. There’s always the idea that real men do this and real men do that. And that’s actually where a lot of really limiting kind of ideas about what it is to be a man come from. Real men don't cry. Men don't show their emotions. Men do this. Men don't do that. And it's limiting.
The real men thing, real men know healing. Healing plays an integral role in everybody's life. Men tend to relate to that a little bit differently than women do. And it's not something that I've seen that's talked about a ton. So when we say real men know healing, it's a little bit of a play on words to kind of come into the conversation.
3:19 Path of Mastery
Any man who calls himself a real man, and this is something I really do believe, is on his path of mastery.
That's great. I love that. Just as a real woman is on her path to mastery.
Absolutely. And healing is absolutely an integral part of that path of mastery in so many ways.
3:51 Why Healing
So back to your question, why healing or what is this all about? I think there's a lot of different reasons for healing. The obvious reasons are definitely, I'm in pain, I own physical pain or emotional pain or mental, certainly physical pain, or you're having illness or something like that. Your body needs to heal, your mind and your emotions.
I want to just insert here. I think it is important that healing, emotional pain and mental pain is so important because it's the pain that we tend to stuff down or suppress or override or kind of, I have to get through my day even though I'm really hurting about something and then that hurt gets pushed down and there's just ways to work through that and heal that.
4:33 Unseen Scars
That's right. It's that set thing. It's like so many things that just aren't seen in our world with the naked eye. It's just really easy to ignore. But those unseen scars are actually incredibly powerful in the ways that they inform and guide our lives.Somebody with trauma relates to the world in a very, very different way. Then as a result of that, they make different choices, which may or may not help them on their journey.
It can be very limiting. It can also really push a person to do different things, but healing it regardless and being free from that, is the path of mastery, freedom. So those are some of the obvious ways. The not so obvious ways are those hidden limiting beliefs, and those hidden patterns that maybe we grew up with.
5:49 Indicators for Healing
Those are all more subtle indicators that some sort of healing is necessary. If you're having a repeating pattern, like we just finished a series on the big leap, which is dealing so much with self sabotage. Well when you're seeing patterns like that in your life, that's an indicator that something in you needs to be healed, really healed and resolved. Resolved is the best word to really think about that.
6:15 Resolution and Completion
The true healing is a resolution. It's a completion of that limiting belief. It's a completion of that self criticism or hatred or doubt or all of that that is not in line with being a divine human being. So I think at this stage, and we can talk about that healing, it's like let's get back to our alignment with being a divine perfect being. And I know you talk about that a lot. Where we are, we start perfect, and somewhere along the way we've convinced ourselves that we're not perfect.
6:44 Healing allows us to be Human
Yeah. Either the world has told us that and we bought into it, or we've decided that for ourselves in some way. It's this constant striving to be perfect, to do better, be better, to improve ourselves or something. And there's very little space to just let ourselves be human. Healing is something that allows for that.
It really does. It cleanses away and removes the webs that are not true, that congestion, that isn't true. The lenses that aren't true, but over time, we humans do a great job of accessing them and they get stickier. And before we know it, we're seeing through a filter that distorts our reality, and how we see ourselves. It's an interesting filter. We'll see out through it and we'll see ourselves through that filter.
7:35 Men will dig in
Typically men are not encouraged to talk about those sorts of things. It's too woo. It's kind of like you wouldn't talk. Guys will razz each other about it and things like that. You know, it's a different kind of a thing. The guys, they'll give each other a hard time. They might tease each other about things like this. But when the chips are down and you've got a brother by your side, that person will be there for you. Men will dig in in a way that is really, really powerful.
9:11 Deal with your Emotions
I think we have this idea that we're supposed to be able to not be emotional about it, you know, don't get emotional about it, which I think there's value to that teaching, but at the same time you're having emotions, man. You have to deal with your emotions.
12:14 Dealing with human stuff
When we're working with people and really dealing with those things, I think there's something to be said for just having a really strong space being held for you that is absolutely unshakable. People have told me some wild, wild things about their lives and what they've been through. And that's my commitment is nothing that anybody says is going to shake me. We're dealing with you as a human being and all the human stuff that you bring with it and we're going to solve it.
12:44 Going Through the work
What are some of the beautiful after effects of going through work with you? What have you noticed with people in terms of either their relationships or their health or their money?
Health-wise, I have worked with some pretty unique cases across the board. You know, people just feel so much better.
Other people have been dealing with a lot of mental and emotional things, but that manifest in the form of severe fatigue and headaches and just really all those kinds of things. And on the other side of that, you know, if you think about what it's like to live in that, on the other side of that is a very, very different experience from life. So, you take the pain out of your life and what's possible for you now.
17:07 It’s Different for Everyone
It looks different for each man. The defining characteristic is somebody who's willing to take a look at themselves and change something within themselves when there is a problem. Somebody who's willing to say, yeah, I'll work on that, you know, not just to make you happy necessarily. Although that's nice. It's nice to have harmony in a relationship but really to do it just because it's showing up for a reason and there's something there to be healed, to be looked at, to be examined and changed.
I think it's fair to say for each and every human, it's so important for us to not put our stuff on someone else and be like, if you're doing the work, it's going to look like this because this is how it looked on me. We're all unique and we're all going to be going through something in our own way, and to be able to respect that and welcome it, I think is really divine.
25:53 Healing is a part of The Path of Mastery
The illuminated thought for the day is if you're on your path of mastery, then healing is absolutely 100% a part of that path.
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