EP: 189 - The Signs of Depression and What You Need to Know

_INK EP 189

This week’s episode is about The Signs of Depression and What You Need to Know. We look at this from an energetic perspective along with mindset.

01:50 Depression is Not a New Thing

Depression's a really big deal and it's not a new thing. The ancient Greeks called it black bile. There's a one in six chance that you'll deal with this at some point in a significant way in your lifetime. It's that prevalent and I think a lot of the time, it doesn't look or feel or sound like what we think it's supposed to so we're like, no, that couldn't be me.


08:40 How do You Approach it?

So when you work with somebody in healing for anxiety or depression, how do you approach it? 


08:52 Small Steps

Anxiety has a lot to do with harnessing the energy and directing it in a really positive way because there is a more productive way. With depression, particularly when somebody's having a tough time finding the energy and the motivation to do anything, it's really about small steps. So the exercises that I teach in energy mastery are really important. When you have those tools to really clean up in a very thorough way, everything that's going on in the system and systematically, then you have a way to release it.  It'll move and then you have a little bit more to take the next step.


10:19 The Energy Perspective

So from the energy perspective of say, the chakra system that you work on, where would you start or does it depend on each person?


It kind of depends on each person. Basically the biggest one for everybody is solar plexus. Not only because it is a clearing house for lower emotion and it gets congested super easily just by living life, but also because all of your major organs are right there. And if you think about a chakra kind of as an organ that lives outside the body, well that chakra is responsible for all those organs. So when the chakra, when that particular place, gets really bummed up, then it can really have an impact physically very, very quickly.


11:19 Spark of Light

What do you recommend for someone who is tiptoeing in the state of depression? To take a different action or have a different thought around it?


If somebody is kind of skirting on that, it's definitely keeping in motion, keeping your body active. And then to me, creative action is one of the things that really adds some kind of spark to it. Go do what lights you up.


I think when the human becomes creative, there's at least a little spark of joy that lights up. And as we know from the spiritual perspective, if we can focus on a spark of light, it really does become a glow. It takes on a bigger glow.


15:21 Moving the Body

I want to know more from your perspective about moving the body. What does that do and why is that important for someone who has depression or is in a depressed state? What does moving the body do to the energy in the field?


Not only do you have the chakra system, you have all of these meridians in your body. You are very intricate and there’s an energy system that's fueling your body and moving it. And when your body doesn't really move, then those things tend to get stuck. So physical activity helps. It gets everything moving as well. So the stuck things can start to flush out and it brings your energy up. Depending on the kind of workout that you do or the kind of exercise, it can increase endorphins too, which will give you a nice little lift.


24:04 There is a Solution

Just to come full circle for anyone struggling now in the quarantine or for anyone who's listening down the road. There is an opening. There's always an opening. There is a way out because just like any problem, there's always a solution. We have to have a willingness to see it or receive it.


31:54 A Higher Truth

There's always a higher truth. There's always a higher truth and do reach out if you need some support. If you feel like you're struggling, you need some extra help, go to https://www.nickhansinger.com/knowyourself. There'll be an option to take the Ultimate Life Tool. There'll also be an option to set up a session with Nick and to dive in and do some healing right away. It's well worth it to invest in yourself for some extra care should you need it.


I'd love to hear from you. 



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