EP: 193 - How to Stay in Your Own Lane

Today we're talking about How to Stay in Your Own Lane and why it's important.
03:34 Staying in Your Own Lane is Important
We've had a few fun episodes recently and we want to change the tone here because there's a couple of serious topics that we want to talk about over the next two episodes. Starting with how to stay in your own lane.
And why it's important.
04:05 Most Powerful Skills
So what does it mean to stay in your lane?
To me, this is one of the most powerful skills you can develop in your life.
And we're not talking about driving the car, but we’re talking about driving ourselves.
We want to talk about it because it really is that important. If you want peace in your life, it's that important.
04:47 This is Vital
If you want to be effective at what you do and impact the lives of others, staying in your own lane is a huge piece. Even more so, if you want real spiritual development or real depth to your practice. And in so many other ways, this is incredibly vital. I cannot overstate the importance of this topic
05:43 Your Container
How do you know what your lane is? What does this mean?
I think it's really helpful to think about it in containers. Everything has an energetic container and there's big containers, really, really big containers like the government. And then there's your individual container, your human. And let's say if you have a family, your partner, your kids, they all have their own individual container. And you can almost think about that not like a bowl, but more like a vortex. So when you talk about staying in your own lane, it's really staying stable and grounded in your own space, in your own container.
And all of your energetic fields. Psychical, mental, emotional. You're in it.
09:38 Taking Ownership
When you were talking, what I kept hearing was that when we stay in our own lane, we take ownership of it. When we stay in our container, we take ownership of it. When we take ownership of it, we are then working with the spiritual laws as we know and co-creating. We can't create anything if we're not taking ownership of who we are and what we want.
15:22 Your Life, Your Truth
So the question that some of our listeners are probably asking is “how do we stay in our own lane and also get the information that we're required to have in order to be safe, to be healthy, to be wise, to be up to date?”
I personally watch certain videos and then there's others I won't watch because I know they're not substantiated. So I'm very careful what I watch and doubly, triply, careful what I would share with a client because I think that things can get highly exacerbated right now. So I think we do have to use our intellect, to answer my own question. A very strong intellect of asking questions. I personally will do research, read and then look at all of it to figure out what's my truth, what's working for me.
Yeah. It's an individual choice. Like how you should go about informing yourself or live your life for that matter. Which is essentially what we're talking about because we're talking about how you spend your energy.That's your life.
24:11 Narrow and Powerful
So I have an illuminated thought. Your lane is probably way more narrow than you thought, yet way more powerful. Go with the narrow and the powerful everyone. It's your time.
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