EP: 194 - How to Deal with Anger

In today’s episode we are talking about anger, specifically How to Deal With Anger.
1:07 Important to Discuss
This is a really interesting topic and oddly one of my favorite topics to talk about.
I'm just gonna launch right into why I think it's an important thing to discuss. There's a lot of anger right now.
We're recording this, hopefully towards the end of a pandemic, yet we are seeing the results of the stress and the struggle and misinformation and just all sorts of things. There's a lot of anger and anger is a powerful emotion. I think that anger can really fuel a cause and fuel the action. However, when anger is misused and it's held on to, it becomes detrimental to one's health and it is the opposite of healing energy that will really get us to the other side of this and any challenge quickly.
2:25 It’s a Natural Human Emotion
Yeah, I totally agree. It is a natural human emotion.
It is a natural human emotion and we're not here to make anger wrong.
And I'm certainly not here to say, if someone has hurt you or abused you or whatever, to not be angry. No. Be angry. It's an emotion.
It's really important to be clear that we're not saying don't have the emotion or stuff it, but what we're saying is let’s talk about it because it's important.
And manage it and direct.
And if you are angry, it's really about learning how to resolve it, and do what you need to do with it. Put it to good use.
4:13 Anger is an Indicator
So anger is an indicator that you want something and that desire is being obstructed. You want something and you're not having it. So right off the bat, that will first become frustration. You'll get frustrated about things. Now, the more that the frustration builds, you'll either start lashing out, like anger is that energy that really lashes out. And then when it lashes out over a longer period in a more ferocious way, it becomes rage. But it starts with frustration and usually what happens is the frustrations get ignored and then it gets stuffed and then it blows.
So I think a lot of times anger starts just by not listening to ourselves and what we really want.
7:49 Suggestions to Move into a Solution
So to help our listeners, if someone is feeling anger from an energetic perspective, what are suggestions in order to move from anger into a solution?
Everybody has their own way. But one of the best things that you can do is just move your body. Any kind of movement, go for a run, do some yoga.
One thing that I recommend is, you know, psychologists have done great studies. And I never used to journal. But now I'll take pen to paper and just start writing. It’s a great way to just start to release and undo. You don't even have to read it. It's just from head to your pen to your paper and write.
12:02 The Ultimate Healing State
So then another piece that's extremely helpful is forgiveness. I mean the ultimate healing state is to forgive.
If you need help with that The Meditation Pod has a pod of meditations and there is one there on letting go and then there's a healing one.
21:53 Life is Short
The final piece for me is that we know life is short, let's not waste it on blowing up ourselves or other people. Instead let's use and direct the emotions with wisdom and intellect because they're way more powerful that way.
So, that's my illuminated thought for the day is that every little bit of your life is precious. Don’t waste it.
Thank you both for this one, I find it very helpful and will use it often.
Thanks Denise! I'm so glad it was helpful for you.
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