EP: 195 - Making Peace

Today’s episode is all about Making Peace and where making peace matters most.
01:14 How Do We Begin to Make Peace?
We are recording this in 2020. It's been a wild ride so far this year, which is why I really think this topic is important. You know, we’re talking about making peace and making peace where it matters first.
I know that’s something you and I have been talking about a lot, so many tragedies and so many beautiful awarenesses during this time, but what matters most? Where do we start? How do we begin to make peace?
01:41 An Inner Quietude
The outside is a reflection of the inside. And the peace that we create in ourselves is what we get to take out to do our work. So the reason I think this is so important is because it's not about peace, just so that you can be happy and bliss out. It's about an inner quietude. And from that place is where you have real power to live your life and create what you want with your life.
03:37 Emotions and Knowing
Making peace where it matters most really comes from the two things that I always hear about. Which is, “Well, my head is saying this and my heart is saying this”, and there is a battle going on inside between those two. And when we talk about heart here, we're not talking about emotion, we're talking about knowing.
Describe the difference between the emotions and the knowing and the heart center.
Emotions in the fields are beautiful human things. There's so many.
2020 has been an amazing study in human emotion and response to stress. And there's nothing wrong with that at all.
But when we talk about the heart, like the heart of it, it's actually that deep sense of knowing inside of you. You could call it a calling or a whisper. It's kind of like a conscience, but not exactly, the intuition, sort of because intuition guides you in that direction.
But the heart is the heart. It's that place where you drop into that inner sense of knowing. “I'm exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to be doing. I'm ready to take my next step”.
06:13 The Mind
When you say the mind, are you talking about the subconscious mind?
It would include the conscious and the subconscious mind. The subconscious is like the puppeteer, it's pulling the strings. And then the conscious mind makes decisions based on that to justify and to reinforce what the subconscious mind is telling it.
Until the conscious mind becomes clear enough to tell the subconscious what to do.
09:49 Tired of Living in Chaos?
So the mind creates some chaos. It takes us out of the knowing of the heart and we keep searching and searching and it's all right there in front of us and we're not seeing it.
Yes and at a certain point you just have to decide, you know, “I'm tired of living like this, and I think I'd like to try something different.”
And it's not like you make that decision and poof it's done. It's a skill, it's a new way of thinking. You have to spend a little bit of time to get in the groove of it and start to experience it.
18:12 Stop Fighting With Yourself
Just stop fighting with yourself, first and foremost. Sign a peace treaty with yourself.
Sign a peace treaty. I want everyone to write their peace treaty and sign it.
22:00 Let Your Mind Off The Hook
What's the illuminated thought around this?
Well, sign a peace treaty with yourself and give your mind a new job. Let your mind off the hook for all the 8 billion things it's been trying to do.
Check out https://www.nickhansinger.com/ for more on how to live an enlightened life.
Loved the anology of the subconscious mind being a puppeteer, and writing a peace treaty with oneself. I know you hear this all the time, but, you guys are awesome!
Thanks Norma! We're so glad you enjoyed this one. It's important.
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