EP: 167- How to Have More Confidence Part 2


This week’s episode is all about How to Have Confidence Part 2. During this episode we are going to deep dive into how when we break agreements with ourselves we are eroding our confidence layer by layer. Learn the key questions to ask yourself to ensure you are saying yes to what you can commit too and how to restore your confidence when promises are broken. 


Nick and KISMA

03:35 - BEFORE WE DIVE IN - Addiction
Alcohol abuse and addiction run rampant in our world. Often times it …

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Ep: 166 - How to Have More Confidence, Part 1


This week’s episode is all about How to Have Confidence. In part 1 of this 2-part series, there are three main areas that will really trip people up when standing in their own personal confidence; Specific things that can put a chink in our armor without even realizing what is happening. You’ll also discover some simple hacks to regain your confidence and ground yourself in your truth. 


Nick and Kisma

(6:15) - Opening the Yoga Studio
I have a great example story. When I opened my yoga…

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Ep. 165: Seven Secrets to Prosperity Part 3



This week’s episode is Part 3 of Seven Secrets to Prosperity. Just to reiterate, we talked about what prosperity is in Part 1. It’s wealth, energy, love, and spirituality, but it’s also flow in your life. The seven secrets we share in this series are really about what it means to get unstuck and find that flow again. That’s what we’re talking about in this episode: being open to receiving. If you’re not receiving something that you desire, you have to look at what limiting beliefs make you re…

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Ep. 164: Seven Secrets to Prosperity, Part 2

Episode 164_LinkedIn


This week’s episode is a continuation of everything we discussed last week. In Part 2 of Seven Secrets to Prosperity, we discuss what it looks like to have a healthy relationship with debt. Debt can really stress people out, but it shouldn’t. Instead, debt can be a way to see all the opulence around you. Building a new relationship with debt, including understanding that debt is just another way to pay for opportunities, is key to a prosperous life.


6:36 Debt is Just Another Way to Pay

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Ep. 163: Seven Secrets to Prosperity, Part 1


We're BACK! 

This week’s episode kicks off Part 1 of our next series, Seven Secrets to Prosperity. We talk a lot about prosperity on this podcast, but it’s time to really dive in. Prosperity is important to talk about in general, but it’s something that often gets missed. The truth is, prosperity is essential to healing and transformation.

In Part 1, we define what prosperity is, how to prevent congesting our money, and what spiritual lessons may be tied to our past money mistakes.

To your …

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Ep. 162: Creating Space

In this week’s episode, we’re discussing the importance of Creating Space; we also have an interesting announcement to share with you!

With regards to Creating Space, we talk through how to handle this at, both, the micro and macro level. Simply put, sometimes we just need a moment. Taking a moment doesn’t mean we’re stopping; it means that we’re taking time to reassess the current situation, take in new information and make room for more opportunities, more space, and a better structure.


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Ep. 161: How to NOT Take on Negative Energy

Coming off of the tail end of episodes 159 and 160’s Being Prosperous series, this week’s topic of discussion is about How to NOT take on Negative Energy. What better way to maintain a prosperous vibe than keeping negative energy at bay?

So, how can we do it? How can we not take on the negative energy of others? It’s important to note that energy is energy, however, labels are often apart of the conversation. At the root of it all, it comes down to truly being in our energy and making sure th…

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Ep. 160: Being Prosperous - Part 2, "The Frequency of Prosperity"

This week brings the second half of the Being Prosperous series: The Frequency of Prosperity. It’s important to note that the frequency of prosperity cannot be achieved without a prosperous mind; the topic of last week’s episode - Part 1The State of Mind of Prosperity. To sum up the connection, we attract what we are and that begins with what's in our thoughts.

In this week’s episode, we discuss how the frequency of prosperity tunes into our vibe and our thoughts. As we mentioned in Part 1,…

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Ep. 159: Being Prosperous - Part 1


We’re back this week and very excited to be discussing prosperity. We kick off the conversation with a new series: Being Prosperous. In this episode, Part 1, we cover the State of Mind of Prosperity. This conversation ties back to teachings that we’ve discussed in previous episodes, surrounding The Law Attraction. Quite simply, we attract what we are - so we think, we become.

As with anything, challenges will arise - particularly when it comes to sustaining this mindset. We discuss tools, …

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Ep. 158: Accessing Your Gifts & Magic, Part 3

This week’s episode is the final part of our Accessing Your Gifts, Talents and Magic series. Two weeks ago, we started the conversation with Part 1 on how to identify our magic. In last week’s episode we discussed how to activate our magic and today, we’re bringing it full circle, with how to own it.

We’ve all felt that sparkle - the happiness, joy, and awe that occurs when we’re in full creative expression. Challenges often arise with understanding how to move beyond these one-off occurrence…

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