EP: 217 How to Win Over the IRS


This episode is about How to Win Over the IRS.

00:02 Energy of Attitude and of Personality

Today's episode is about an interesting topic, how to win over the IRS

This is really about something that Nick went through and his story, and we thought it might be really helpful because it was such a cool use of energy of attitude and of personality.


That's a good way to put it. And I kind of put together a little formula for how I was going to approach this. 


4:12 Strategy

So we h…

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EP: 216 Why Bad Things Happen in 3s

_ INK EP 216

In this episode we are talking about Why Bad Things happen in 3s.

3:14 Does This Really Happen?

We are diving into why bad things happen in threes.

“As far as I know, bad things happen in threes.” 

We hear this all the time and I think it's interesting to look at.

Does this really happen? Do we create it or is it the force of nature?


Personally, I do believe bad things happen in threes, but I also believe that we create that circumstance.


So in other words, they don't have …

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EP: 215 What You Want to Know About the Energy of TV

_ INK EP 215

In this episode we are talking about What You Want to Know About the Energy of TV.

We are going to give you some really helpful tips and guidelines about what you consume and what it's really all about.

1:16 The Energy of TV

Today we are talking about television and what you want to know about it’s energy.


Just a heads up, we're not here to tell you to stop watching TV because I know the title is like what you want to know about the energy of TV, but we’re going to talk through what …

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EP: 214 How to Shift Your State Instantly

_ INK EP 214

This episode is about How to Shift Your State Instantly

1:21 What it Means to Shift Your State

I had the idea of the topic of shifting your state because I love shifting my state and I love helping people shift theirs. 

I think when we understand who we are as a human being, and when we understand that we're the only ones thinking in our mind, like it's our thinker, and when we can think differently, we can create a completely different experience than what we're having. That's what it me…

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EP: 213 How to Have a Bigger Future

_ INK EP 213

This episode is about How to Have a Bigger Future. We talk about our Bigger Future Challenge, which you can join us for here.

3:00 A Clean Slate

It's 2021 and this is our first recording this year. 

I wanted to share with our listeners our different perspectives of how we close out a year and enter a new year. 


I think this year it's a little bit different. 

I like to think that every day is a clean slate. I like to think that every minute is a clean slate.

But for me entering a n…

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EP: 212 The Getting Unstuck Series, Part 3

_ INK EP 212 (2)

This episode is part three of The Getting Unstuck Series and today we are discussing the energy stuck.

1:13 Energy Stuff

This is The Getting Unstuck Series. 

We have talked about the in-between stuck and the mental stuck. This week is the energy stuck. 

Now of course, Nick is an expert on energy healing, energy work, energy clearing, energy coaching, so he is going to tell us what it feels like to be in energy stuck.


Energy stuck shows up in more subtle ways, but also really obviou…

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EP: 211 The Getting Unstuck Series, Part 2

_ INK EP 211

This is episode two in The Getting Unstuck Series and in this episode we're talking about the mental stuckness; what to do about it, and how to get out of it. 

4:36 When We’re Mentally Stuck

It's funny that we're talking about mental stuckness. 

Because I know tech, but I'm not a techie tech per type of person. When it comes to all those little things and all the little boxes to check and the ways that the audio gets routed through a mic, to a board, into the computer and back out to somewh…

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EP: 210 The Getting Unstuck Series, Part 1

_ INK EP 210

This episode is the first episode in our series called The Getting Unstuck Series. In this episode we're going to be talking about the in-between stuck.

2:28 Stuck

Stuck: unable to move or set in a particular position, place or way of thinking.

It's a frustrating feeling, a frustrating energy, and a frustrating mindset.


It’s a frustrating circumstance all the way around.


It does not go well with creating success or prosperity.


6:28 The In-Between

Being specific about…

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EP: 209 How To Shape Your Reality Part 4

_ INK EP 209

In this episode we are continuing with our series How to Shape Your Reality. This is part four and we talk about how to align the head and the heart.

1:11 Rewriting The Script

Last week we talked about rewriting your script.


If you've not listened to last week’s episode yet go back when you're done with this one and listen to it. 


3:02 Head and Heart Conflict

Let's talk about that head and heart.

What does it mean to not be in alignment with the head and the heart?



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EP: 208 How To Shape Your Reality Part 3

_ INK EP 208

In this episode we are continuing our series on How to Shape Your Reality, Part 3 by talking about how to rewrite your life script. 

2:14 Smaller Things

When you look at rewriting your life script, that's a big topic or big idea to begin with. 

You don’t have to rewrite your whole life and change everything. Sometimes it's just certain areas or smaller things that you may be getting caught in the mundane or stuck in a certain way, a certain attitude, or something like that that you can rewr…

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